Friday, July 16, 2010

The One Who Care Least is the Winner in Love

"I can't live without you" is the sentence that will not be spoken by the winner in the game of love. There are many women who love their partners more than themselves, or do not mind to be the maid in love for their partners. Not to say that caring and loving your partners more than yourselves is wrong but everything should have a limit. Love requires not only emotional feeling but also rational thinking. If you love someone blindly till you want to give up your life and hope when he falls for another girl and leave you, no one is going to pity you. The man who leave you will only think you are mad for giving up your life for him but he will never turn to you again.

Then, does it mean that you should not care for your partner at all? The answer is in negative. In the game of love, you need to know how to care for him at the right time. If you feel that your partner does not really care much about you such as not bother to know where you are, what you are doing or who you are with, you will suffer a lot if you are the only one who care. The more you care for him, the more he would take you for granted.

Knowing how to control your emotional feeling is very important. You might want to give up everything of yours to him but remember, never give up yourself. There is one and only YOU in this world, everyone is irreplaceable. You can lose everything in your life, but never lose yourself. Especially when you give up hope in life or love for one who does not know how to appreciate you, you are just making the silliest mistake ever. Always preserve your dignity, this is the least thing you must do.

All of us deserve to be loved and cared of. Before you ask for someone to care for you, love yourself first. Love yourself first does not equal to being selfish. It is one of the best ways to lead a happier life for both of you and your partner. When trust exists among couples, they will automatically care for each other without feeling suffer at all. If you were to start suffering while you care for him, you need to hold back and take time to think through what has gone wrong. Ask yourself if that is really what you want to go through. Do you want a relationship that both of you are happy with or a relationship that you are always living in sadness and disappointment?

In conclusion, make sure you love without feeling that that is a burden. If he has betrayed your trust, and you are always sad when think of him, you need to talk with him. Communication is a very important thing in relationship. Try not to mind every little thing he does. Instead of being sad for many days, think of ways on how you can overcome it. You, then become the winner in love.

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